Kickstart My Rock ’n’ Roll Heart: Boaz One
Kickstarter has become a well-known crowdfunding website used by musicians to fund projects. Kickstart My Rock ’n’ Roll Heart showcases current campaigns from artists big and small. Thanks to Jimmy Eat World’s “A Praise Chorus” for the series’ name.
Technology is allowing us to reimagine everything, even things as timeless and iconic as the guitar.
The Boaz One, named for its creator, is a modular guitar that’s been in the works since 1994. It’s been dubbed “the guitar of the future” for beginners and experienced players alike and is seeking funding on Kickstarter, promising to combine 50 guitars in one with interchangeable cassettes for the pickups, body, and bridge that can be switched out quickly and easily for different sounds with three different body designs, all made out of durable, injection moulded plastic, which won’t bend and expand as the weather changes like a traditional wooden guitar does. Its durability and portability makes it great for touring musicians.
And it just looks kind of badass.
You can opt to chip in some money to help fund the project, of course, but if you’re looking to get your own Boaz, perks range from entry-level guitars to bundles featuring more than one guitar.
The Boaz One has already far surpassed its goal of $20,000 and has 894 backers pledging over $400,000 total, but the campaign has another few days left to go. It runs through Saturday, Sept. 28 at 10 a.m. with an expected delivery of June 2020.